Hi everyone! I’m back on the Hill after a quick (but much needed) fall break. This past week was super busy academically, because I had a music theory exam Thursday and a big Montserrat paper due Saturday, but I still managed to do some fun things besides staking out my cube in Dinand Library.
Some quick background: I take four classes here at Holy Cross–Music Theory, Calculus 1, a first-year English course, and my Montserrat, which is philosophy based. My schedule in college is a lot less restricted than in high school, but that means I have to budget my time well during the day when I’m not in class, so I have time for other fun things (as described below)!
On Tuesday I had a mandatory Montserrat event, which was a dance performance called Les Nuits Barbares. It explored the legacy of European colonialism in Africa through dance and music and it was actually really interesting. Although, I must say, I was glad we had a pre-concert talk with the choreographer, because otherwise I would have been pretty confused!
On Friday, my roommate Elena and I went to the first men’s hockey game of the season on Friday night against Bentley. It was a great game to watch and Holy Cross won 4-3 in overtime! Go men’s hockey!
This is my friend Jacob on the ice at the intermission between the first and second periods trying to score a goal to win a prize. He didn’t score any goals, but they gave him the prize (some cool HC gear) anyway.
After the hockey game we went down to Crossroads to see the comedian sponsored by CAB (Campus Activities Board). I had never seen stand-up comedy live before so it was a really neat experience and the comedian, Sam Comroe, was super funny.
Last night, my friends and I went to see Mike Monaghan, the jazz band director, and some of his colleagues play a free concert in Brooks Music Hall. For some celebrity context, three of the five people who played (including Mr. Monaghan) are playing at the Boston Pops in Symphony Hall on Tuesday! It was really cool to be in such an intimate setting with some very accomplished musicians–and they took requests!
Looking forward, this coming weekend is Parent’s Weekend. I’ll be playing bass clarinet (for the first time!) in the orchestra concert on Saturday at 1PM, so if you’re on campus check us out! In the meantime, have a great couple of weeks and check back soon to see what happens on the Hill!